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Mobile Apps

See the full list of available mobile apps.

Helpful tips when downloading or using apps:

  • Some apps take several minutes to fully download or update and use up lots of storage space. Try to stay connected to Wi-Fi until the download is complete if you don't have an unlimited data plan on your phone. Make sure there is enough space on your device too.
  • Some apps like DynaMed give you the option of saving images to your device to access them while offline. It's up to you depending on how much storage space you have available, but we recommend (if possible) selecting an option where the images can be viewed when online but the rest of the app can still be used while offline. 
  • Many apps require the creation of an account so that you can sign into the app with a username and password. Write down your login credentials so that you don't forget. You will need this when it is time to go into your account later to renew your access. Be aware that these accounts usually have to be created from the desktop version of that resource, which can be accessed via the Library website.
  • All apps can be set up from anywhere, but depending on where you are located, you may be prompted to enter a barcode number in order to access the desktop version of the resource where you would need to create or edit your account. A barcode provides you with 24/7 access from anywhere to all of the resources on the Library website. Request a barcode here.
  • While most apps won't require an internet connection to work, they most likely do require one in order to update, especially if automatic updates have been set up. Do your best to always use Wi-Fi or your personal data to ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of the app. 
  • Most apps will notify you when your access is about to expire, or you may receive an email notification from the vendor. Every app re-authenticates a little differently (ex. entering authorization codes or clicking on activation links in your account). The instructions are provided with the downloading instructions for each up, but let us know if you need any assistance. 

Contact us at any time for assistance or if you have questions about specific apps.

Note: With any technology, there is always a risk of technical issues that you can run into. These issues could be caused by factors such as the type of device you are using, the amount of space you have available, or the strength of your internet connection. If you experience any issues that our staff can't resolve, then you will need to contact the app developer's Tech Support Team for help. We can help provide you with their contact information.