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News Media & Blogs

  Format Example
News/magazine articles on the web

#. Author AA, Author BB. Title of the article. Name of the newspaper or magazine. Publication date Month DD, YYYY. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL/link to article

AMA Guide section 3.13.1

1. Cheng M. World Health Organization declares monkeypox a global emergency. The Globe and Mail. July 23, 2022. Accessed July 25, 2022.

2. Agrba L. There's an emergency room crisis in Canada and a new wave of COIVD-19 is making dire situation worse. Maclean's. July 20, 2022. Accessed August 5, 2022.

News/magazine articles in print/hardcopy

#. Author AA, Author BB. Title of the article. Name of the newspaper or magazine. Publication date Month DD, YYYY:Section of newspaper (if applicable) or page number(s).

AMA Guide section 3.13.1

1. Dhaliwal J. The winter blues: seasonal depression in Canada. Regina Leader Post. November 15, 2019:C1.

2. Smith A. What are the effects of Delta 8 THC? Here's the ultimate guide. Discover Magazine. July 2022:15-18.

Blog posts

#. Author AA, Author BB. Title of blog post. Name of the blog. Publication date Month DD, YYYY. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL/link to article

AMA Guide section 3.13.1

1. Hastings C. Cuffless blood pressure monitoring: interview with Jiang Li, CEO at Vivalink. Medgadget. June 13, 2022. Accessed July 25, 2022.

Note: Newspaper names are not abbreviated. If a city name is not part of the newspaper name, it may be added to the official name for clarity (e.g., The StarPhoenix may be written as The Saskatoon StarPhoenix).

General Rules

  • How to format in-text citations in your document.
  • Author/editor names: Last name + First name initial + Middle name initial (if available). e.g., Armand Peter Smith = Smith AP.
  • The names of all authors and editors should be given unless there are more than 6 (7 or more), in which case the names of the first 3 authors are used, followed by “et al”). e.g., Smith TP, Brown A, McLane E, et al.
  • No authors, organization, or editors listed? Contact to ask a librarian.
  • Titles: Follow examples when using upper- and lowercase initials and italics. Do not use quotation marks for titles (e.g., "Title").
  • Subtitles: Use the colon (i.e., : ) to separate the title from the subtitle. e.g., Rural Healthcare: A Definitive Guide.
  • Dates: Spell out the full month name for 'Accessed' date. e.g., June, not Jun or 06. 
  • Proper nouns: Always capitalize the first initial of country/city, person, clinical tool, organization, and/or association names.